“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease”

Thomas Edison

More About Me…

My path to nursing was driven by a deep desire to heal; but instead of recovery, I witnessed patients getting sicker and suffering. After losing a mother and brother to illness at a young age, and spending much of my career working in critical care and advanced heart failure, I can confidently state that chronic disease is debilitating, demoralizing, and it robs both you and your family of a good life. 

Modern life leads to disease. We’re sedentary, consume mostly ultra-processed food, and struggle with mental health. As a result, most people today can expect to live the last two decades of their lives grappling with disability. 

But there is hope! 80% of chronic disease is avoidable, and the solutions are in our hands. A robust and quickly-growing  body of evidence shows changing your lifestyle can transform your life. I now dedicate my life to bringing this support beyond the clinic walls and into your home and workplace.

Whether you’re an individual seeking clinical support, a business aiming to enhance employee wellness, or a health-focused organization in need of compelling content, I have the expertise and resources to help you achieve and surpass your goals. Ready to take the next step toward a healthier future? Explore my services or contact me today to discover how I can support your journey.

How I Can Help

Modern medicine works miracles, with procedures and medications that can extend life for many years. However, the quality of life during those final decades is often not what we would choose. That’s why I focus on "healthspan"—maintaining the quality, not just the quantity, of life.

Do you want to run a race in your 60s? Play on the floor with grandchildren in your 70s? Putter around in a garden in your 80s and 90s? Live independently, dress yourself, and reach into a cupboard for a bowl? The things we take for granted each day become a battle when we are ill. Just as we plan for financial security in retirement, we need to invest in our health. And just like a good financial portfolio, it’s never too late to start, but the sooner you do, the more you stand to gain.

My Approach

Education & Experience

I hold two Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of Michigan—one in Behavioral Neuroscience and the other in Nursing. I also obtained a graduate certificate in Integrative Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine from George Washington University and am a diplomate of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. As a self-starter and lifelong learner, I have continually pursued additional certifications and professional memberships, evolving both clinically and in leadership over the years.

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