Lifestyle Medicine: The Key to Reclaiming Your Health

The rise of chronic disease has become so commonplace that we have normalized it as part of the human experience. Conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even certain types of cancer have been woven into the fabric of society. We expect them as we age, often viewing them as inevitable rather than preventable. But we should be alarmed, not accepting. The fact that these diseases have become so widespread is not a sign of progress—it should be a wake-up call that something is seriously wrong with our modern lifestyle.

This is where Lifestyle Medicine can help. Lifestyle Medicine is about transforming how we live to transform our health. While conventional medicine plays a vital role in addressing acute conditions and emergencies, Lifestyle Medicine works hand in hand with traditional treatments, expanding the clinical conversations to include sustainable lifestyle changes as a key component in managing and even reversing chronic diseases. It empowers patients by offering additional tools and resources to take control of their health, complementing medical treatments with behavior change for long-term success.

What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

Lifestyle Medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on six key pillars:

  1. Nutrition – A plant-predominant diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains has been shown to prevent and even reverse many chronic conditions.

  2. Physical Activity – Regular movement, whether through structured exercise or daily activities, is essential for maintaining optimal health.

  3. Stress Management – Chronic stress can wreak havoc on both physical and mental health, so effective strategies like mindfulness, yoga, or relaxation techniques are critical.

  4. Restorative Sleep – Prioritizing 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night is necessary for the body’s ability to heal and function properly.

  5. Social Connections – Strong, positive relationships with family, friends, and community have been linked to better health outcomes and longevity.

  6. Avoidance of Risky Substances – Abstaining from tobacco, excessive alcohol, and other harmful substances plays a pivotal role in maintaining health.

The beauty of Lifestyle Medicine is its simplicity. By targeting these foundational pillars, you can reduce your risk for many of the most common diseases plaguing society. But it’s not just about preventing disease—it’s about thriving, feeling energized, and living a vibrant, fulfilling life.

Why Should We Be Alarmed?

We have grown so accustomed to seeing chronic illness that we have become desensitized to its impact. It is not uncommon to hear someone shrug off their diagnosis with “Well, it runs in my family.” But heredity plays a smaller role than we often think. The reality is that most chronic diseases are heavily influenced by lifestyle choices, not just genetics. As a popular metaphor states, “Your genes load the gun; your lifestyle pulls the trigger.”

“Your genes load the gun; your lifestyle pulls the trigger.”

Consider this: heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. Yet, research shows that approximately 80% of heart disease cases could be prevented by lifestyle changes. The same is true for type 2 diabetes, with studies revealing that nearly 90% of cases could be avoided through proper diet and exercise.

Rather than viewing this as inevitable, we should recognize that the high rates of chronic illness are a crisis. We need to be alarmed that it has become normal to be on several medications by the time we reach our 50s or 60s, rather than feeling vibrant and full of life well into old age.

How to Get Started with Lifestyle Medicine

If you're ready to take control of your health and break free from the chronic disease cycle, here’s how you can get started with Lifestyle Medicine:

  1. Educate Yourself – Learn about the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine. There are countless resources, from books to online courses, that can help you understand how these changes can impact your health.

  2. Talk to Your Healthcare Provider – Ask if your current provider is familiar with Lifestyle Medicine or whether they can refer you to a board-certified Lifestyle Medicine practitioner. Many conventional providers are becoming more aware of this approach and may offer support in your journey. You can also find a board-certified provider through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine provider directory.

  3. Join a Program – Joining a Lifestyle Medicine program, such as personalized coaching or group coaching sessions, can provide the guidance and accountability needed for lasting change. These programs often offer structured support, making it easier to stay on track and build healthy habits. Interested in learning more about personalized coaching or group sessions? [Learn more here!]

  4. Start Small – You don’t need to overhaul your entire life overnight. Begin by making small, sustainable changes. Swap processed foods for whole foods, go for a daily walk, or add a mindfulness practice into your day.

  5. Seek Support – Having a support system is crucial for lasting change. Whether it’s family, friends, or professional guidance, a strong network can make all the difference.


The rise of chronic disease may feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be our destiny. By adopting the principles of Lifestyle Medicine, we can prevent and reverse the very conditions that have become far too normalized in our society. It’s time to take a proactive stance on our health and realize that these diseases don’t define us—they are the result of choices, and choices can be changed.

If you’re ready to reclaim your health, now is the time to act. Whether you're just beginning to explore Lifestyle Medicine or ready to make significant changes, I’m here to support you. Reach out today to take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant life. I am here to guide you through personalized strategies that can help you prevent, manage, and even reverse chronic disease. Contact me or schedule an appointment to start your journey today!


Living with the Seasons